Preparing your Organization for a Transformation

How do you communicate with and prepare your campus for a large, or even a small transformational effort? Whether you are recreating a student experience, implementing a campus-wide CRM or launching a series of new academic programs, these efforts cross departments and divisions and have the ability to produce tremendous results, and of course, require significant change.

That's why having a proper vision is importaSample Vision Statement PR-FAQnt. When written effectively, the vision provides the foundation and framework for what the transformation means, what it does for the experience of those connected to it.

A vision is NOT a statement or a paragraph. Those cannot clearly articulate the work or expected outcomes of the transformation itself.

Kennedy & Company has opened our toolbox to share how we help clients draft visions. We've done that by offering you a full sample of our client vision. It follows the Amazon-based model referred to as a "Press Release and Frequently Asked Questions," (PR-FAQ). This is a forward looking statement, written at the start of your project, through the lens of the go-live moment of your project - as if it were a press release announcing exactly what has been done - just written before you've actually done it. 

This document provides both a conceptual understanding of the transformation effort, and the outcomes it will produce, but also a set of FAQ's that members of your community may have about the effort.

To download a copy of our sample vision, please fill out this form.