I recently heard a story from Zak Pines, Vice President of Partnerships at Formstack. The story was not necessarily unique, but it definitely inspired this effort. As he tells it, he had to complete a series of forms for a medical procedure. He received them all in the mail (yes, these were all paper forms), and not only did he spend an exorbitant amount of time completing the forms, much of that time was wasted on answering the same questions on multiple forms. Oh, but that's not all. A few days after Zak completed the forms and mailed them back to his health provider, he received the forms back - returned by the post office for insufficient postage! If this were me, I would have stopped there and bailed on the process. I would have just brought the forms with me for my appointment - IF I REMEMBERED THEM! Would you have persisted?

Growing with Forms eBook Cover
How many would have mailed them a second time? Better yet, how many would have called and complained?

Isn't there a better way? Of course there is, and many reading this now have taken steps to make life easier for the students who have to complete your forms, as well as the staff who have to process the information.

We want you to take it a bit further. So we have collected many examples to expand the use of forms across campus, we are giving you 20 ideas to better leverage forms you can use across campus, AND examples of processes for automating the actions that follow form submission, to make life even easier for students and staff.